News & Events
Genome Sciences Events Calendar
IT Outages Calendar
Weekly Events:
Genome Sciences Seminars
All Genome Sciences Seminars take place at 3:30 on Wednesdays in Foege Auditorium unless otherwise noted.
The new GS Seminars mailing list is: gs-seminars [ at ] To subscribe or unsubscribe, please go to
Combi Seminars
All Combi Seminars take place on Wednesdays from 1:30 - 2:30 in Foege Auditorium unless otherwise noted.
compbio-seminars [ a t ] -- Biology seminar announcements from all around campus. Subscribe or unsubscribe at
Journal Club
Journal Club sessions are generally scheduled for Tuesdays at 12:30 in Foege Auditorium.
Research Reports
Research Reports sessions are generally scheduled for Fridays at 3:15 in Foege Auditorium.
Other Events:
Public Lecture Series
The UW Department of Genome Sciences played an important role in determining the sequence of the 3 billion letters of DNA specifying all of our hereditary information and is now one of the leading centers where the human genome is being interpreted and where new technologies for this analysis are being developed.
To share these advances with the public the Department of Genome Sciences hosts a 'Wednesday Evenings at
the Genome' public lecture series each summer. These exciting discussions assume no background knowledge in genetics or other biological subjects and provide opportunities to chat with our presenters.
UW & Seattle-area Clubs & Meetings
Related Seminars
Links to other biomedical seminar listings at the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Genome Sciences Association for the Inclusion of Minority Students (GSAIMS) is a group of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars interested in expanding the spaces and support for underrepresented minorities (URM)* in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington. We aim to provide peer support, mentorship, and guidance to aid individuals as they transition and navigate through their graduate and professional careers. We seek to provide opportunities for students to participate in events that will allow for inclusive and intersectional dialogue for all participants. GSAIMS aspires to provide a closer connection to more diverse student organizations within UW and outreach opportunities in Seattle.
Women in Genome Sciences
The Women in Genome Sciences (WiGS) organization was created in order to establish an environment supportive of women in Genome Sciences. Our primary mission is to address issues particularly relevant to women in the department. These issues include, but are not limited to recruitment of graduate students and faculty, attrition of women from academic science, navigation of an academic career with a family, and development of a department friendly to women.
Other Items of Interest:
Foege Building
Information about the William H. Foege Building
Department History
The Department of Genome Sciences was formed in September 2001 by the merger of the Department of Genetics and the Department of Molecular Biotechnology.
PDF versions of the annual department newsletter, highlighting our research and faculty and student accomplishments.