Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
DEI Committee
The DEI Committee consists of:
Bill Noble (wnoble [ a t ] uw.edu)
Ryan Friedman
(ryanfrie [ a t ] uw.edu)
Brian Giebel (bgiebel [ a t ] uw.edu)
Anupama Jha
(anupamaj [ a t ] uw.edu)
Hannah Jordt (hljordt [ a t ] uw.edu)
Valerie Lynch (vnl283 [ a t ] uw.edu)
Lara Muffley
(muffley [ a t ] uw.edu)
Abby McGee (amcgee1 [ a t ] uw.edu )
Serena Newhall (serenn2 [ a t ] uw.edu)
Faaiz Quaisar (faaizq [ a t ] uw.edu)
Devin Schweppe (dkschwep [ a t ] uw.edu)
Catherine Sniezek
(csniezek [ a t] uw.edu)
Laura Stump (lmstump [ a t ] uw.edu)
Skylar Thompson (skylar2 [ a t ] uw.edu)
Melinda Wheelock
(mwheelo [ a t ] uw.edu)
meeting minutes
current initiatives
2023-2024 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report
2021-2022 Annual Report