Genome Sciences & Affiliated Graduate Students alphabetically | year of entry | by lab Akinrinade, Ayomikun first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: M.S. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Irvine; B.A. Health Studies, UW Bothell ayoaki [ a t ] Amador, Zachary Pinglay Lab, Stergachis Lab rotations: Stergachis, Queitsch, Pinglay joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Cell, Mol, Dev Biology, UC Riverside zamador [ a t ] Anderson, Leah (she/her/hers) Dunham Lab rotations: Beliveau, Malik, Dunham supervisory committee: Dunham, Kerr (GSR), Beliveau, Raghuraman, Dudley joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Molecular Genetics, Ohio State University leaha3 [ a t ] Attar, Sahar Beliveau Lab, Schweppe Lab rotations: Beliveau, Starita, Schweppe supervisory committee: Beliveau, Schweppe, J. Young (GSR), Hamazaki, Shendure joined program: 2022 prior training: M.S. Neuroscience, King's College London; B.S. Linguistics, University of Washington sahar60 [ a t ] Benazouz, Mariam Starita Lab Molecular Engineering mb13 [ a t ] Bergstrom, Erik Queitsch/Cuperus Lab rotations: MacCoss, Schweppe, Queitsch & Fields joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Chemistry, University of Virginia erikjb [ a t ] Biar, Carina first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.A. Neuroscience, Northwestern University cbiar [ a t ] Brandt, Kyle first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: M.S. Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota; B.S. Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology, Drake University kbrandt0 [ a t ] Brunswick, Lawrie Beliveau Lab MS Data Science / GRTDS lawrieb [ a t ] Camplisson, Conor Beliveau Lab rotations: Beliveau, Shendure, Fowler supervisory committee: Beliveau, Shechner (GSR), Fowler, Green, Shendure joined program: 2019 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry, Cal Poly SLO concamp [ a t ] Carr, Caleb Bloom Lab supervisory committee: Bloom, N. King (GSR), Feder, Veesler joined program: 2022 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts ccarr3 [ a t ] Chang, Alexis Villen Lab rotations: Fowler, Villen, MacCoss supervisory committee: Villen, Kerr (GSR), Bruce, Queitsch, J. Scott joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry, Western Washington University alexisn1 [ a t ] Chaw, Matthew Srivatsan Lab rotations: Beliveau, MacCoss, Srivatsan joined program: 2023 prior training: B.A. Biology, Franklin and Marshall College chawm [ a t ] Cheng, Yong-Han Hank Stergachis Lab joined program: 2023 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.S. MCD Biology, University of Washington yhhc [ a t ] Cohen Stillman, Ben first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.A. Biological Sciences, UC Davis blcs [ a t ] Colegrove, Hunter Feder Lab rotations: Feder, Ha, Noble supervisory committee: Feder, Bagheri (GSR), Monnat, Ha, Bozic joined program: 2021 prior training: B.A. Biochemistry, University of Washington huntc10 [ a t ] Colon, Marazzano Trapnell Lab rotations: Noble, Baker, Trapnell joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Mathematics, Duke University mdcolon [ a t ] Dishuck, Philip Eichler Lab rotations: Noble, Shendure, Eichler supervisory committee: Eichler, Leache (GSR), Green, Harris, Swanson joined program: 2017 prior training: B.S. Biology, Washington & Lee University pdx [ a t ] Donny, Alex first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.S. Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota adonny [ a t ] Duran, Madeleine (she/her) Trapnell Lab rotations: Trapnell, Noble, Bloom supervisory committee: Trapnell, Shojaie (GSR), Waterston, Shendure, Raible joined program: 2019 prior training: B.S. Molecular Biology & Computer Science, MIT duran [ a t ] Fayer, Shawn (he/him) Fowler Lab, Starita Lab rotations: Dunham, Fowler, Shendure supervisory committee: Fowler, Starita, Shirts (GSR), Doulatov, Yang joined program: 2018 prior training: M.S. Genetic Counseling, Brandeis University; M.S. Human Genetics, McGill University sfayer [ a t ] Ferra, Gabrielle Dunham Lab, Harris Lab rotations: Dunham, Doulatov, Harris supervisory committee: Dunham, Harris, Leache (GSR), Berg, Feder joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Applied Mathematics & Biology, Brown University gferra [ a t ] Finkbeiner, Connor Setty Lab rotations: Setty, Beliveau, Trapnell supervisory committee: Setty, Reh (GSR), Trapnell, Mostafavi, Lin joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Biophysics, Biochemistry, & Molecular Biology, Whitman College connof [ a t ] Gibson, Sophia Starita Lab, D. Miller Lab rotations: Starita, Dunham, Starita & D. Miller supervisory committee: Starita, D. Miller, Blue (GSR), Eichler, Beliveau joined program: 2022 prior training: B.A. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bryn Mawr College sophiabg [ a t ] Gokhale, Isha Noble Lab MS Data Science / GRTDS igokhale [ a t ] Gonzalez, Stephen Trapnell Lab rotations: Trapnell, Queitsch, Beliveau supervisory committee: Trapnell, Imaizumi (GSR), Abitua, Starita, Cuperus joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Biology, UC San Diego sgonzal [ a t ] Guitart, Xavi Eichler Lab rotations: Queitsch, Trapnell, Eichler supervisory committee: Eichler, Leache (GSR), Dunham, Harris, Malik joined program: 2019 prior training: BENGR Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University guitarfx [ a t ] Ham, Zanny first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.A. Classical Studies, Hamilton College aham7 [ a t ] Hamm, Morgan (he/him) Trapnell Lab , Queitsch Lab rotations: Queitsch, Trapnell, Villen supervisory committee: Queitsch, Trapnell, Lee (GSR), Cuperus, Henikoff, Stergachis, Waterston joined program: 2019 prior training: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington mhamm [ a t ] Hancko, Arielle Fowler Lab Molecular Engineering & Sciences ahancko [ a t ] Hang, Shengqi Noble Lab Computer Science & Engineering sqhang [ a t ] Harris, Lincoln Noble Lab rotations: Harris, Noble, Beliveau supervisory committee: Noble, Hoofnagle (GSR), MacCoss, Villen, Oh joined program: 2020 prior training: B.A. Biology, Swarthmore College lincolnh [ a t ] Hsu, Chris (he/him/his) MacCoss Lab rotations: Noble, Beliveau, Hawkins, MacCoss supervisory committee: MacCoss, Hoofnagle (GSR), Fowler, Schweppe, Sweetwyne joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry, University of Washington chrhsu [ a t ] Hu, Rachael first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.S. Biology, University of Washington rachwho [ a t ] Jain, Shruti Baker Lab, Shendure Lab rotations: Beliveau, Baker, Shendure supervisory committee: Baker, Shendure, Kueh (GSR), Dunham, Schweppe joined program: 2021 prior training: M.S., B.S. Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur sjain2 [ a t ] Jia, Tongqiu (Iris ) Feder Lab rotations: Trapnell, Matsen, Feder supervisory committee: Feder, Salipante (GSR), Bedford, Matsen, Willis joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Biology, UC San Diego; MPH Epidemiology, University of Washington t1jia [ a t ] Keith, Aidan Shendure Lab rotations: Beliveau, Bloom, Shendure supervisory committee: Shendure, Disteche (GSR), Beliveau, Starita joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Biology, University of Washington aidank2 [ a t ] Kelly, Conor Beliveau Lab rotations: Berger, Beliveau, Stergachis supervisory committee: Beliveau, Disteche (GSR), Stergachis, Schweppe, Shendure joined program: 2022 prior training: B.A. MCD Biology, University of Colorado cokelly [ a t ] Kerr, Lucas Srivatsan Lab joined program: 2024 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.S. Chemical Biology, UC Berkeley kerrdl [ a t ] Kikawa, Caroline Bloom Lab supervisory committee: Bloom, McGuire (GSR), Overbaugh, Bedford, Starita joined program: 2022 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.A. Biology, Barnard College cskikawa [ a t ] Kim, Hyeon-Jin Trapnell Lab , Fowler Lab rotations: Noble, Trapnell, Fowler supervisory committee: Fowler, Trapnell, Reh (GSR), Noble, Queitsch, Beliveau joined program: 2018 prior training: B.S. ACMS - Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, University of Washington khj3017 [ a t ] Kottapalli, Sanjay Shendure Lab rotations: Shendure, Srivatsan, Trapnell joined program: 2023 prior training: M.S. Computational Biology, Weill Cornell Graduate School; B.S. Mol & Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins University sanjayk [ a t ] Kubo, Connor Shendure Lab rotations: Beliveau, Shendure, Abitua supervisory committee: Shendure, Hamazaki, Mathieu (GSR), Abitua, Trapnell joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. MCD Biology, University of Washington connork3 [ a t ] Lee, David Baker Lab, Shendure Lab rotations: Shendure, Trapnell, Baker supervisory committee: Baker, Shendure, Kueh (GSR), Berg, Hamazaki joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. Physiology and Neuroscience, UC San Diego davidsl [ a t ] Leipertz, Anna first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.A. Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley leipea [ a t ] Li, Tony Shendure Lab rotations: Shendure, Fowler, R. Bradley supervisory committee: Shendure, Seelig (GSR), Noble, Dunham, Stergachis joined program: 2020 prior training: M.S. Bioinformatics, Johns Hopkins University; B.S. MCD Biology, UC Santa Cruz tli824 [ a t ] Liao, Hanna Shendure Lab Molecular & Cellular Biology hliao25 [ a t ] Liu, Yuzhen (she/her/hers) Beliveau Lab Molecular & Cellular Biology yliu234 [ a t ] Mallory, Ben Starita Lab, Stergachis Lab rotations: Schweppe, Starita, Beliveau supervisory committee: Starita, Stergachis, Cherry (GSR), Beliveau, Fields, Ray joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UC Davis bmallo [ a t ] McDermot, Evan MacPherson Lab rotations: Fowler, Starita, Srivatsan, MacPherson joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Neurobiology, University of Kansas ejm1990 [ a t ] McGann, Chris Schweppe Lab rotations: MacCoss, Schweppe, Villen supervisory committee: Schweppe, Shechner (GSR), MacCoss, Beliveau, Stergachis joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Biology, Northeastern University cmcgann [ a t ] McGee, Abby Shendure Lab rotations: Fowle, Shendure, Starita joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Biological Engineering, MIT amcgee1 [ a t ] Melendez, Carlo first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.S. Biology and Mathematics, Western Washington University cfmelend [ a t ] Metzger, Bria Abitua Lab MCB briametz [ a t ] Min, Joseph Baker Lab, Queitsch/Cuperus Lab rotations: Baker, Queitsch, Stergachis supervisory committee: Baker, Queitsch, Mostafavi (GSR), Fields, Noble joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University joemin [ a t ] Moggridge, Sophie (she/her) Villen Lab rotations: Villen, Baker, Fowler supervisory committee: Villen, Zalatan (GSR), Beliveau, Queitsch, Schweppe joined program: 2019 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry, University of Victoria smog [ a t ] Mullen, Andrew Trapnell Lab Computer Science & Engineering acmullen [ a t ] Nathans, Jenny Shendure Lab supervisory committee: Shendure, Horwitz (GSR), Harris, Maly joined program: 2022 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.S. Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry, Yale University jnathans [ a t ] Noyes, Michelle (they/them, she/hers) Eichler Lab rotations: Eichler, Harris, Nickerson supervisory committee: Eichler, Browning (GSR), Green, Harris joined program: 2018 prior training: B.S. Biological Sciences, University of Chicago mdnoyes [ a t ] Ovadiuc, Cristian Starita Lab Public Health Genetics covadiuc [ a t ] Paleologu, Luana Berg Lab rotations: Dunham, Queitsch, Villen supervisory committee: Berg, Rasmussen (GSR), Parkhurst, Abitua, Queitsch joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. MCD Biology, Microbiology, University of Washington luanap [ a t ] Partington, Katie Fowler Lab Bioengineering kparting [ a t ] Pendyala, Sriram Fowler Lab supervisory committee: Fowler, Kueh (GSR), Beliveau, Stergachis joined program: 2019 (UW MSTP) prior training: pendyala [ a t ] Perez, Monika Beliveau Lab rotations: Beliveau, Stergachis, Sinnott-Armstrong supervisory committee: Beliveau, Thachuk (GSR), Stergachis, Sinnott-Armstrong joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Tulsa mwperez [ a t ] Perez, Sean Abitua Lab rotations: Nunn, Abitua, Trapnell joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Biology, Pomona College slperez [ a t ] Plender, Elizabeth Bloom Lab, Eichler Lab rotations: Hawkins, Eichler, Bloom supervisory committee: Eichler, Bloom, Browning (GSR), Schweppe, O'Neal (U North Carolina), Riley joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. Biology, Regis University plendere [ a t ] Powell, Rachel Dunham Lab rotations: Dunham, Stergachis, Starita joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Biology, Iowa State University rlpowell [ a t ] Rai, Jyoti first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: MS. Environmental Toxicology, University of South Alabama; B.S. Biology, University of South Alabama jyotirai [ a t ] Real, Taylor Eichler Lab, Stergachis Lab rotations: Bamshad, Eichler, Stergachis supervisory committee: Eichler, Stergachis, Jayadev (GSR), Jarvik, Schweppe joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. MCD Biology, UC Santa Cruz tdreal [ a t ] Robertson, Alexander Feder Lab Molecular-Cellular Biology alexrob [ a t ] Romero, Elena Feder Lab rotations: Noble, Harris, Matsen supervisory committee: Feder, Lehman (GSR), Harris, Matsen, Schiffer joined program: 2020 prior training: B.S. Mathematical and Computational Biology, Harvey Mudd College evromero [ a t ] Rostomily, Clifford Trapnell Lab rotations: Noble, Trapnell, Queitsch / Cuperus supervisory committee: Trapnell, K. Lin (GSR), Queitsch, Stergachis, Raible joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry & Applied Computational Math Sciences, University of Washington crosto [ a t ] Sanchez-Forman, Madison Beliveau Lab MS Data Science / GRTDS msforman [ a t ] Sanders, Justin Noble Lab Computer Science & Engineering jsander1 [ a t ] Sanger, Elliot Noble Lab MS Data Science / GRTDS es1 [ a t ] Sattler, Sydney Abitua Lab rotations: Trapnell, Shendure, Abitua supervisory committee: Abitua, Rasmussen (GSR), Berg, Raible, Trapnell joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. Biology, Westminster College sydsat [ a t ] Sniezek, Catherine Schweppe Lab rotations: Schweppe, MacCoss, Bruce joined program: 2023 prior training: B.S. Biochemistry, University of Texas Arlington csniezek [ a t ] Sonthalia, Yash first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: M.S. Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University; B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin ssontha2 [ a t ] Staker, Annie Noble Lab MS Data Science / GRTDS astaker [ a t ] Suiter, Chase Shendure Lab Molecular & Cellular Biology ccsuiter [ a t ] Swanson, Elliott Stergachis Lab rotations: Starita, Stergachis, Shendure supervisory committee: Stergachis, Disteche (GSR), Shendure, Trapnell, Henikoff joined program: 2021 prior training: B.S. Biology, Western Washington University swansoe [ a t ] Taylor, Megan first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.S. MCD Biology, University of Washington megant33 [ a t ] Tejura, Malvika Fowler Lab, Starita Lab rotations: Starita, Beliveau, Fowler supervisory committee: Fowler, Starita, Miller (GSR), Noble, Villen joined program: 2021 prior training: B.A. Molecular Cell Biology, UC Berkeley mtejura [ a t ] Thornton, Zorian (he/him) Matsen Lab rotations: Noble, Matsen, Beliveau supervisory committee: Matsen, Mostafavi (GSR), Bloom, Harris joined program: 2019 prior training: B.S. Statistics, Virginia Tech zorian15 [ a t ] Waltner, Olivia Trapnell Lab rotations: Stergachis, Trapnell, Srivatsan joined program: 2023 prior training: B.A. Biology, Whitman College waltno [ a t ] Wen, Bo MacCoss Lab, Noble Lab rotations: Noble, MacCoss, Baker supervisory committee: MacCoss, Noble, Riley (GSR), Villen, Schweppe joined program: 2022 prior training: B.S. Bioinformation Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology bwen1 [ a t ] Yang, Wei (she/her/hers) Shendure Lab rotations: Noble, Shendure, Trapnell supervisory committee: Shendure, Stevens (GSR), Beliveau, Trapnell joined program: 2019 prior training: M.S. Bioengineering, UCLA; B.S. Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of Illinois weiy666 [ a t ] Yasutomi, Riku Moens Lab, Trapnell Lab rotations: joined program: 2023 (UW MSTP) prior training: B.A. Mol & Cell Biology, UC Berkeley rikuy [ a t ] Yilmaz, Melih Noble Lab Computer Science & Engineering melih [ a t ] Young, Candice Harris Lab Molecular & Cellular Biology clyoung1 [ a t ] Young, Karl first year rotation rotations: joined program: 2024 prior training: B.A. Biology, Reed College youngkar [ a t ] Yu, Qi Shendure Lab rotations: Shendure, Trapnell supervisory committee: Shendure, Doulatov (GSR), Feder, Trapnell, Beier joined program: 2022 prior training: M.S., B.S. Biochemistry; B.A. Chemistry, Brandeis University qiyu [ a t ] Zhu, Luke Harris Lab Bioengineering lukezhu [ a t ]